Eco-Lawn is an eco-friendly lawn care service company, delivering professional lawn care, while providing an eco-friendly approach to your lawn needs.

At Eco-Lawn our unique approach to lawn care, is utilizing battery powered equipment for your lawn service. This provides our clients with an environmentally friendly feeling of preserving mother nature and keeping our great State of Washington green.

Our Services

  • Our Services

    At Eco-Lawn we provide our clients with environmentally conscious lawn care service both monthly as well as one time lawn service.

    Interested in a quote? During our free estimates, we rigorously inspect every inch of your lawn and share our recommendations. We can provide the lawn care services that your property requires, such as mowing, weeding, edging, and pruning.

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Interested in a lawn quote? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!